A. Introduction: EPZs & IPs in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam:
At present, Hochiminh city has 02 EPZs,08 IZs being in operation. The EPZs & IZs” Administration Authority is the authorized body in charge of activities of all the EPZs & Izs and is entrusted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment to grant licenses for projects going to be implemented in the EPZs & IZs. The HCMC EPZs & IZs? Administration is authorized to issue investment licenses for projects with investment capital up to USD 40 million.
Fields of investment at the IZs :
- Garment
- Machinery
- Electricity, Electronics, Rubber, Plastics
- Wood processing
- Paper
- Packaging
- Leather, Footwear
- Chemicals
- Metals
- Foodstuff, Beverage.
1. The EPZs & IZs accepting pollution causing projects:
- Le Minh Xuan industrial zone and Hiep Phuoc industrial zone.
- At Tan Tao industrial zone, the acceptance depends on degree of pollution.
2. Labour:
- The EPZs attract 47 000 employees
- The IZs attract 60 000 employees
3. Investment supporting services ( in EPZs & IZs in HCMC ):
- Banking
- Accounting
- Post & telecommunications
- Supplying services: Fuel, Office stationery, Food…
- Sanitary services
- Insurance services
- Project surveying
- Law consulting
- Transportation
- Export-Import
B. The EPZs & IZs in HCMC
1. The EPZ Tan Thuan:
- Total Area: 300 hectares
- Area for rent : 195 hectares
- Occupied Areas : 135.15 hectares
- Land rental: USD 108 per m2 for 41 years
- Ready-built workshops: USD 170/m2
- Electricity rate: 0.075 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.22 US$/m3
- The conditions:
+ The minimum leased area: 2500 ha
+ Deposit: 5% of land rental
2. The Linh Trung EPZ:
- The first site area: 62 hectares
- Area for rent: 45,39 hectares.
- Occupied Areas : 43.32 hectares takes 95.42% of the total .
- The second site area ( expanded area) : 61.7 hectares
- Land rental: : 50 USD/m2 /for 24 years at the EPZ
- 45 USD/m2/for 25 years at the IZ
- Rental conditions:
- Deposit: 5% of the land rental.
- Electricity rate: 0.075 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.38 US$/m3 at the EPZ. Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.40 US$/m3 at the IZ.
3. The IZ Binh Chieu:
- Total Area:27 hectares
- Rental Areas :21 hectares
- Occupied Areas :20 hectares
- Land rental:30-40 USD/m2/for 47 years
- Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh
- Rental conditions: Land rental depends on land position, Land area and payment methods.
- Deposit: 5% of the land rental
4. The IZ Hiep Phuoc:
- Total Area: 332 hectares
- Rental Area : 198 hectares
- Occupied Areas :18 hectares
- Land rental : 35-50 USD/m2/for 48 years
- 30-40 USD/m2/for 48 years
- Conditions:
- Deposit 5% of land rental, in case with joint ventures
- Deposit depends on negotiations, in case with IPC company
- Electricity rate: 0.75-0.90 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.35 US$/m3
5. The IZ Tan Tao.
- Total Area:181 hectares
- Rental Area :90 hectares
- Occupied areas:52 hectares.
- Land rental:45-64 USD/m2/for 48 years. The rental price of built factory: 1.7 US$/m2/month.
- Conditions::
- Land rental rates depend on land position ,land area and payment methods.
- The minimum leased area: 3000m2.
- Deposit: 10%
- Electricity rate: 0.070 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.35 US$/m3.
6. The IZ Tan Binh:
- Total area:155 hectares.
- Rental area :95 hectares.
- Occupied Areas :13 hectares.
- Land rental:45-55 USD/m2/for 48 years.
- Conditions:
- Land rental is fully paid (01)and depends on rent duration and payment.
- Deposit:5% The minimum leased area:2000m2.
- Rental duration: not less than 20 years.
- Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.35 US$/m3
7. The IZ Vinh Loc:
- Total Area: 207 hectares
- Rental Area : 119 hectares
- Occupied Areas : 30 hectares
- Land rental: 30-40 USD/m2 /for 48 years
- Ready-built workshop: 2USD/m2/ per month
- Conditions:
- Land rental is fully paid (01) and depends on rent duration and payment methods.
- Deposit: 5%
- The minimum leased area: 5000m2
- Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.18 US$/m3
8. The IZ Tan Thoi Hiep:
- Total Area: 215 hectares
- Rental Area : 135 hectares
- Occupied Areas : 9 hectares
- Land rental rates: 26-30 USD/m2 / for 48 years
- Ready-built workshop: 1.7 USD/m2/ per month
- Conditions:
- Land rental is fully paid(01) and depends on rent duration and payment methods.
- Deposit 5-10%
- The minimum leased area: 5000m2
- Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.35 US$/m3
9. The IZ Tay Bac Cu Chi:
- Total Area: 220 hectares
- Rental Area : 140 hectares
- Occupied Area : 11 hectares
- Land rental rates: 28 – 45 USD/m2 /for 45 years
- Conditions:
- Land rental depends on land position, land area and payment methods.
- Deposit: 5%
- Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.30 US$/m3
10. The IZ Le Minh Xuan:
- Total Area: 100 hectares
- Rental area: 66 hectares
- Occupied Areas : 10 hectares
- Land rental: 36 USD/for 48 years
- Ready-built workshop: 1.5 USD/m2/ per month
- Conditions:
- Land rental depends on rent duration and payment methods.
- Fully paid (01).
- Deposit : 5%Electricity rate: 0.085 US$/kWh, Water rate: 0.28 US$/m3
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